PPV - Pay per view Popup Traffic

Popup ads are considered to be quite effective in promoting one’s website and are cost efficient as well. Under this ad model, you use popup ads which are published on other websites and promote your website to the visitors at that site. Since the other website is promoting your website and is sending its traffic at your site, you need to pay something against this. There are different payments model and pay per view is also one of them. Under the pay per view popup traffic, you need to pay to publisher every time it displays the ad. The payment is generally low which makes this payment model cost effective.

The popup ads are noticed by the target consumers easily and this helps in making them very effective. They are display ads which open in a separate window and demand attention. The ad window appears over the window you may be working on and demands your attention. If the ad is attractive and relevant to the user then he might click on it or visit your website. This makes your ad campaign cost effective and helps you to get a good traffic easily. You can then convert the traffic into target consumers and promote the website effectively.